Store all your session notes in a secure and easy to use platform. Supercharge your note taking with reusable phrases and templates.
GDPR compliant • End-to-end encryption • Try for free
Rest assured you practice in accordance with current laws and guidelines.
High quality and consistent documentation with minimal effort.
Never lose your work. Konfidens stores everything to the cloud in real time.
We’ve developed the most efficient note-taking solution ever created. The entire work process is re-imagined from the ground up in close collaboration with psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors.
Say goodbye to messy notebooks and unsecure word files. Say hello to a perfectly organised and compliant practice.
Simply drag and drop a file into the secure file storage area for each client. You can also send clients a unique file drop link to make it easy to receive sensitive files.
“I’ve tried a lot of different EHR systems, but yours is the best”
"Everything I hoped it would be and more!"
"Konfidens reduces the time we spend on administration by 80 to 90 percent!"
“The first time I wrote a note I looked for the save button. But then I realised everything is saved automatically. Love it!”
"You are completely and utterly awesome. It's so much easier to run our clinic after we started using you. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!"
"I’m super happy and recommend you to everyone!"
Experience our blazing fast writing experience. It's cloud-based and accessible directly from your browser.
Reusable phrases
Speed up your note taking by creating shortcuts for phrases and snippets of text you reuse often.
Custom note templates
Save hours by pulling up outlines for notes based on pre-defined templates with just a few clicks.
Auto-insert patient details
No more copy paste! Automatically insert patient data with shortcuts. Keep important data consistent.
Write and store all your clinical notes in compliance with the highest standards for psychologists.
The most beautiful and efficient session note system for psychotherapists ever created.
Write your counselling notes with ease. Use pre-defined templates and reusable phrases to speed up your note-taking.